Body hydration
Most nutritionists agree on the fact that the most important principle of healthy nutrition is good hydration. A person living in temperate climates needs about 2.5 liters of water a day, and in the case of physical activity or febrile illness, this demand is increasing.
The first effects of dehydration include headaches, fatigue and problems with concentration. In order to maintain adequate hydration youe should complement the water level, mainly through fluids consumption. Most often recommended is bottled water, but equally good are fruit juices, not too strong tea and infusions of herbs.
Very strong tea and coffee, and alcoholic beverages, particularly high percentage, are not recommended, because they have a diuretic effect. The organism can get hydrated not only by drinks, but also some foods. Water is present, for example, in fruits and vegetables, particularly in watermelons, melons, cucumbers, peppers, strawberries, oranges and grapefruits.
A well-hydrated body means more efficient metabolism, and a better feeling. Adequate hydration is also very important for the blood which, under the influence of dehydration becomes more dense and more prone to clots.
If the organism is dehydrated, you must supply it with a large dose of fluids, while in the case of serious symptoms, hospitalization is required, to take infusions. In the treatment of dehydration very important role play alos electrolytes.