The fiber required for each diet

Many nutritionists recommend a diet rich in fiber, but not all people are aware of why it is so important. Therefore, it is worth to explain its impact on the functioning of the human organism.

Firstly, fiber improves the digestive system and helps maintain a slim silhouette. It gives a feeling of satiety and prevents constipation. Secondly, it reduces the level of cholesterol and triglycerides due to the binding of cholesterol in the gel structure that forms itself in the digestive tract, and to reduce re-absorption of fatty acids.

It is even proven that a diet rich in fiber reduces the risk of coronary heart disease. Another important function of fiber is to normalize glucose metabolism, which is connected, among other things, with limited absorption of carbohydrates. In people suffering from type 2 diabetes, dietary fiber reduces the risk of heart diseases, which was confirmed by studies conducted in the United States.


Among the advantageous properties of fiber it is also neccessary to mention about its ability to clean the organism of toxins and heavy metals. What’s more, studies have shown that dietary fiber reduces the risk of diseases such as gallstones, appendicitis, colorectal cancer and diseases of the leg veins.

The above properties of the fiber, without a doubt, should encourage the consumption of foods rich in it. It is worth remembering that the daily diet can be enriched by supplements that contain fiber.